Ease away from excuse-making friends #818

Gradually withdrawing from friendships where friends constantly make excuses for not assisting, especially when they are capable, can preserve emotional well-being and promote healthier relationships. For instance, if a friend repeatedly declines to chip in for group activities despite financial stability, distancing oneself can prevent resentment and maintain harmony. This approach fosters friendships built on mutual respect and support, ensuring energy is invested in relationships where both parties value each other’s contributions.

It may be advisable to gradually distance oneself from friendships with those who find excuses for not helping, especially when the assistance is affordable for them. #818

Start by reflecting on which friendships bring positivity and support versus those causing frustration. Gradually reduce interactions with friends who habitually make excuses for not assisting when they can. Instead, invest time in relationships where there’s mutual respect and willingness to help. Communicate your boundaries kindly but firmly, explaining the importance of reciprocity in friendships. Focus on activities and friendships that uplift and empower you. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your well-being and surround yourself with those who appreciate your contributions.

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